Make Hybrid Successful with Maptician

The secret to hybrid success is enabling people to connect with people. Want your attorneys in the office? Show them where their peers are.

That’s what we do. We are Maptician.

We are the innovative, end-to-end technology solution helping attorneys connect in the office. We are the technology helping law firms be successful with hybrid.

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Maptician Thought Leadership

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Client Success: Maptician Enables Hybrid for Am Law 200 Firm’s Denver Office in Three Weeks

Maptician successfully rolled out the Denver office on the firm’s original 3-week timeline on time and on budget and are in the process of provisioning all 13 of the firm’s other offices to the Maptician environment.

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How Attorneys Can Have Their (Hybrid) Cake and Eat It, Too

No one would have predicted hybrid operations — but hybrid is here to stay. Firms have a lot to gain in terms of creating a new culture that attorneys love and achieving that new culture will be built on flexibility and dynamism only technology can manage. logo


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How to Make a Successful Hybrid Office: The Three Basic Elements

In this session COO of Maptician, AshLea Allberry, provided the strategy for building a successful hybrid office that helps firm optimize space and enables attorneys to connect and collaborate when they are in the office.

Access the ILTA Webinar Recording Here!

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In firms, the future we can’t see is how to make hybrid successful. However, the innovators’ tools of applying empathy and iteration, firms can work their way to the right strategy that ensures the firm’s space is being utilized optimally and attorneys’ time in the office is intentional. logo


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Client Success: Maptician Helps Am Law 200 Firm Implement Hoteling

With Maptician, the firm can leverage the tool’s scenario planning features to create and compare different floor plan options, toggle between different scenarios and map layers to find the best layout and implement with ease optimized scenario plans as the main floor plan.

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Law Firms Go Hybrid Forever

When it comes to culture, this is something almost all law firm leaders agree on: working in person has huge benefits to building culture. The 2022 Citi Hildebrandt Client Advisory found that many firms believe the remote environment has damaged personal relationships at work. Culture happens in the office.

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Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo with one of our hybrid office experts, or reach out if you have a question.

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